Chaos...Chaos??? Things scattered everywhere? Complete disorder and confusion... Do you think about when will it end? Those times when things are...
Your Last Day?Sometimes you can be caught up in a web of worries that you don't know if you're coming or going. But it doesn't have to be that way!...
Believe Again!Challenges inspire me. I’m inspired to do my part to help you and others believe again. I’m so excited!!! Do you remember what you...
In tune? In Sync?Have you ever been in (or out of) tune or sync with anyone or anything? To be in tune with someone/something meaning means: “having a...
Closed Doors!When you wake up... sometimes you feel utterly defeated because of what happened the day before or what has been happening in your life....
Appreciate... Don't Fret...Often times we think that the grass is (or will be) greener on the other side. Sometimes we think if we had more of this or that, then...