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Closed Doors!

When you wake up... sometimes you feel utterly defeated because of what happened the day before or what has been happening in your life. But take heart because closed doors don't mean that's the end of everything. Closed doors are an inspiration for new opportunities... some you haven't thought about. Don't be discouraged by one, two, or even 10 closed doors. All you need to get you going in this season is ONE door to open and your story will begin to unfold in ways that you never knew were possible. Way beyond your imagination. Take heart!

Think about the closed doors you have encountered in your life and the other doors that opened as a result... What were you saved from? Some closed doors make you utter a sigh of relief because that's probably where you really didn't want to go anyway, but you had knocked on that door because someone made you, or fear was driving you. Either way, closed doors are not always bad. They open your eyes to see beyond! For the most part, they are there to fuel your passion to do even greater things. Whatever the cause of the closed door, don't fret about it. It's done! Keep moving forward :).

So, stop looking back and longing for the closed door(s), waiting and hoping they could be opened. If the door has been shut... let go and move forward. There are other doors waiting for you to knock which will definitely be opened for you. This is life, some doors will be closed without a doubt, but others will be opened in due season. Don't limit or define yourself by one, or even 100, closed doors. Many have experienced closed doors and made it through life... I have experienced closed doors too! Just this last week I had a door shut and it hurt... but I decided not to fret... and to keep moving forward. There is an open door head!

I encourage you to keep knocking on new doors and the right door will open. Besides, if you truly reflect, you have already walked through several open doors to get you where you are today. You will do it again! "Don't fret, it only causes harm." (Psalm 37:8). Instead, in everything give thanks and trust that God's got it! For example: 2 Corinthians 2:12 says, "When I came to the city of Troas to preach the Good News of Christ, the Lord opened a door of opportunity for me." Also remember, Isaiah 22:22 says, "I will give him the key to the house of David–the highest position in the royal court. When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them; when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them." You are not walking this journey alone.. God's got this!

PS: I found some encouraging bible verses about doors that you can reflect on and be reminded that it shall be well. Click this link.

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