Jump!This is the time to jump! Take a leap of faith and jump into unknown territory. Don’t hold back if you truly want to achieve your...
Press On!As you begin this week... Monday is gone... now, for the rest of the week! Press On. Press On. Press On. Definition: "to continue moving...
Connections...As you start this week... think about: Connections matter more than you may realize from day to day. Being in the right place, with the...
Reason...Questions are good for the soul... especially if they help you reflect... some introspection! Why do you wake up daily, get reset,...
A New Journey...It's been a while... but I am still walking... how is your walking? Walking down a road you've never walked before can be scary and/or...
A Still Mind...As you conclude the week... do you have time to reflect on how things have gone? Maybe you have... or not. Sometimes it seems that you...