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Questions are good for the soul... especially if they help you reflect... some introspection! Why do you wake up daily, get reset, communicate with everyone, study, work, love, hate, forgive, cry, laugh, pray, scream, shout, exercise (workout), practice, etc. Seriously... why do you bother doing any of those things? REASON! There's always a reason for doing or not doing something. A reason for speaking or keeping silent. A reason for sharing, caring, judging, etc. A reason to justify any action--whether good or bad! By definition, reason means: "a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event." OR "the power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgments by a process of logic." Whatever your take on it, there is always a reason!

When you look back over the past few days, weeks, months on even years, what have been the reasons for the decisions and actions you've made? Were your reasons for yourself or because you had no choice or you were unknowingly convinced and now in retrospect you wonder why...? On the other hand, were your reasons simply to please other people or just to keep peace in the home or at work? There's always a reason!

Now.. What motivates you and drives you to be who you are and do what do you? Do you ever think more deeply about the reasons for your actions OR does the environment cause you to just act/react instead of taking time to reflect and then respond? For example, regarding your faith and having hope in the midst of challenges or suffering, the Word of God talks being ready to give the reason for the hope that is within you. "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect," (1 Peter 3:15) We all need hope to keep moving forward when times are tough, that's one reason for the faith you hold on to.

What is your reason for your continued walk and journey with Jesus? Is God still as compelling to you today as He was when you first gave your life to Him or is He just there and you are simply going through the motions as a "believer" or "Christian" because that's what you are used to? What are your reasons for holding on to Jesus so steadfastly over the past few days, weeks, months, years?

Not every decision or action you make will be embraced or questioned by people--or even yourself sometimes. But when you are asked, or are asking yourself, will your reasons make sense? Do your reasons always have to make sense? I encourage you to be reasonable in your approach to life. [Reasonable means: "(of a person) having sound judgment; fair and sensible." OR "as much as is appropriate or fair; moderate."] Live life purposefully. Take nothing for granted! Understand (and know) the purpose and impact of every decision and action. There is always a reason! Whether it's a selfless or selfish reason.

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