Commitment...Day in and day out, we all have commitments that we need to fulfill--by choice and others by obligation. Commitment means: "a promise to...
There's always a way!When things seem impossible or out of reach, don't give up. There is always a way to get through, to make it happen. You have to search...
Embrace where you are!Sometimes we find ourselves in a place or season where we least expected we would be. It could be a relationship, job, company, city,...
Effortless...Are you effortlessly you? What do you do that is effortless? Some of life's most enjoyable and rewarding relationships, experiences,...
Grace...Imagine a life without grace? Imagine a day without grace? Without grace, I know I would not be who I am or where I am today. If grace...
Practice PatienceA gentle reminder... that never grows old! It takes patience to achieve a dream or goal you have--coupled with hard work and...