Appreciate!I APPRECIATE YOU! Never forget that. Do you appreciate you? When you look back over or around you at all the people in your life, do you...
Wake Up... Plan... Succeed!I enjoy sleeping... once you sleep, the next logical thing is to wake up. And when you're up... you need to plan to succeed... However......
Forgiveness is Key!Remember the last time you messed up at home, work, school, in a relationship, with friends? Imagine what would have happened if you had...
Don't Walk Away!When life gets tough, OR people seem irrational, OR you simply have no fight left in you in whatever season you are in, it's so easy to...
Letting go of the PAST!Can you ever truly let go of the past? YES! Especially if holding on to the past keeps you from forging ahead with your life, then...
Activate!Nothing ever happens without someone taking the first step to "activate" that thing. What do you need to activate in your life? Activate...