Immediately...In a world of instant everything and wanting our needs met at once, there is hardly room for patience... understanding... grace......
Slave to Fear?Sometimes you wake up and are reminded without a shadow of doubt that you are loved and more than a conqueror. You are reminded that you...
Embrace where you are!Sometimes we find ourselves in a place or season where we least expected we would be. It could be a relationship, job, company, city,...
Practice PatienceA gentle reminder... that never grows old! It takes patience to achieve a dream or goal you have--coupled with hard work and...
Activate!Nothing ever happens without someone taking the first step to "activate" that thing. What do you need to activate in your life? Activate...
Behind the Scenes!There is more to success than meets the eye! When you set out on a journey to achieve your next goal, there is so much preparation that...