Immediately...In a world of instant everything and wanting our needs met at once, there is hardly room for patience... understanding... grace......
Slave to Fear?Sometimes you wake up and are reminded without a shadow of doubt that you are loved and more than a conqueror. You are reminded that you...
Forgiveness is Key!Remember the last time you messed up at home, work, school, in a relationship, with friends? Imagine what would have happened if you had...
Authenticity...Authenticity! The quality of being authentic. To me, the ability of being the real you to everyone; or all the people that meet you get...
Innocence...A child loves unconditionally when they are born--they don't know to do otherwise. As children grow, some have a simple tendency to love...
Pursue Joy...It's not an option... and it's certainly for your own good! Pursue JOY no matter the circumstances... you're better off with JOY than...