Walk & Live Fearlessly!Do not walk in fear of man (people), the future, or whatever is unknown. Each day when you wake up, declare your victory even before any...
Listening...Imagine a world where we all take the time and make an effort to actively listen whenever we have conversations with people. What a...
Pillar of StrengthIn life, it is important to have a pillar of strength (or many pillars for that matter). One definition states that this is: "a person...
Find Joy!I woke up with a song... the words I kept repeating were: "You bring me joy, down deep in my soul..." It's all about finding and...
Rise Up!Rise up to the challenges you have today. Only you can do what you were created to do. What are you hoping to accomplish today? It's not...
Authenticity...Authenticity! The quality of being authentic. To me, the ability of being the real you to everyone; or all the people that meet you get...