Stop & Think!Are you always running from situations when things get tough and you don't immediately see a way out or triumph? Do you let fear chase...
Never take for granted!Whatever your lot in life, wherever you find yourself--never take anything for granted. Today, you woke up--the gift of life should never...
Commitment...Day in and day out, we all have commitments that we need to fulfill--by choice and others by obligation. Commitment means: "a promise to...
Grace...Imagine a life without grace? Imagine a day without grace? Without grace, I know I would not be who I am or where I am today. If grace...
Practice PatienceA gentle reminder... that never grows old! It takes patience to achieve a dream or goal you have--coupled with hard work and...
Appreciate!I APPRECIATE YOU! Never forget that. Do you appreciate you? When you look back over or around you at all the people in your life, do you...