I get excited when I am reminded of the truth! In case you have forgotten... or due to your circumstances, you are slowly forgetting what you are capable of, remember that you have been enabled! You are enabled to tackle every task, challenge, obstacle, experience that you encounter in your everyday life. Enabled means: "give (someone or something) the authority or means to do something." AKA "to make able; give power, means, competence, or ability to; authorize." Stop doubting yourself. Today is not the day to be doubting yourself! You are enabled for today! What about yesterday... it's gone! No need to worry about yesterday or even last week. Today... today is the day that you are enabled.
You are enabled to walk in confidence and joy in accomplishing each task as it comes. Don't feel overwhelmed trying to do everything all at once. You are enabled, equipped and empowered--no matter what anyone else may say! You know your source, confidence, creator! The One who inspires you each day is walking with you through this journey helping you every time you reach out to Him... and sometimes, even when you don't even ask since He knows better. He would rather you ask Him and give thanks in advance for He enables you.
In 1 Timothy 1:12, Paul says: "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry," because God enabled him to be a minister of the gospel. Paul wasn't perfect... remember, no one is perfect, so there's no need to be stressed about trying to be perfect. Before Paul had a real encounter and relationship with Jesus Christ, he confesses that he was wasn't on the right path: "Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief." (1 Timothy 1:13) Yet, God had mercy on Paul and enabled him to be a trusted and faithful minister of the gospel to so many people! God was gracious to Paul, and God continues to be gracious with you: "And the grace (unmerited favor and blessing) of our Lord [actually] flowed out super abundantly and beyond measure for me, accompanied by faith and love that are [to be realized] in Christ Jesus." (1 Timothy 1:14) I love that the Word of God has so many simple reminders that you (and I) are HUMAN and God is with you (and I) along the way!
So, in case you thought you were beyond redemption or just aren't (or weren't) good enough, remember, you are enabled to fulfill your purpose here on earth. It may be a bumpy road along the way, but there are smooth paths too. All in all, keep your focus on the One who enabled you from the beginning of time. From before you were even born! SO.... What have you been dreading to do? What have you been procrastinating about because you just feel (or felt) like you just can't do it? If there is anything... Rethink that, especially now that you have been reminded of this wonderful simple truth! Remember, you are enabled so go forth and conquer (that mountain) fearlessly!!!
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