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In between..

As you journey though life, you have many dreams, goals, missions you set for your life. Some are successful, and we always celebrate those. Others are not so much--so you take the lessons learned for the future. Win or lose, you always put forth the effort and go "all in" at the beginning... because you don't know what the in-between will be like, you only have hope for what the end will be like. Be grateful in advance for whatever challenges come your way in between. You are here on earth for a purpose and that is fulfilled in many ways throughout your life in your hopes, dreams, assignments, opportunities, etc. All of these have a beginning and an end--so, what happens in-between those two major milestones?

I am reminded of "The Dash" poem by Linda Ellis... specifically: "He noted that first came the date of birth and spoke the following date with tears,but he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years." i.e. Born X - Died X. The beginning and end are already ready set, the in-between is what you should make sure counts. First for your life, and then for all the hopes and dreams you have. Everything... well... most things to my knowledge have a beginning and an end. What are you doing with the in-between of your life, or when you start a new venture, etc.? When you have a goal, mission, vision, etc. you often "know" (or at least hope) what the outcome (end) will be. But you never really know for sure because you are not at the end. What you have an impact on directly, is the in-between.

God is the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the End (Revelation 22:13); and He knows the end from the beginning of everything so much that when He declares a thing it comes to pass (Isaiah 46:10). God never worries about the in-between--I mean, God doesn't worry about anything! Therefore, you simply need to live your life trusting Him during the in-between of your life most of all, and whenever you are working on your dream, etc. After all, God knows best--and who better to depend on during the in-between! In 1 Samuel 3:12, God said to Samuel (concerning Eli) "When I begin, I will also make an end." In-between the beginning and the end of your dream, goal, purpose--TRUST GOD to show you the way and believe that it shall come to pass if it is something that He has purposed for your life from the beginning. The end is already set.

PS: Don't fret in-between when things go upside down along the way... the in-between is fulfilling a purpose and yours is to keep pressing on! You will make it to the end.

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