It's not always easy to do but it is often very rewarding/beneficial. SACRIFICE is "the act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else or to help someone." (Merriam-Webster) Another definition says sacrifice is usually for the sake of a better cause.
Sometimes we struggle to make choices or good decisions because we are not willing to sacrifice. It seems more "beneficial" or "logical" for things to always go "our way" no matter what, but that's only selfishness. Sacrificing means being selfless--even being selfless to yourself for your own good. Sometimes you need to sacrifice something for yourself to change, grow or just be in a better place. It's always best to deal with you first before trying to "fix" other people's lives and expecting them to make sacrifices for you to make your life better. If and when you do your part, things often fall into place as they should--and you may even be amazed at the results.
Think about the things that you want to do or get done, this year, month, week or even just today. What are the corresponding sacrifices that you need to make? Do you need to sacrifice time, sleep, eating out, watching too much TV, ending a toxic relationship, etc.? What changes or adjustments do you need to make? Are you ready and willing to make and start with at least one sacrifice towards what you want to achieve or how you can help someone? Unless you start doing something, making that sacrifice, things aren't going to change as you want them to. Making sacrifices takes effort... Are you willing to make the effort?
There are so many instances in the Bible that describe the different sacrifices people made--willingly. The ultimate sacrifice which should be a great reminder and lesson that making sacrifices is worth it is from God Himself. "For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] [a]only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16, AMP) Sacrifices have a purpose. When God sacrificed, He did it out of pure love and joy. Jesus also had to be willing to "give up" His life on the cross and He did it, as hard as it was, He believed it was worth it. You and I were worth the love sacrifice. There is no sacrifice you could ever make that is impossible--if God gave the ultimate sacrifice. Do what you need to do to get done what needs to get done. Don't waste any time. Time is of the essence.
You don't always know or can't always see the end result at the beginning but you make the sacrifice anyway... and stick with it! Make adjustments if necessary, but don't slip up. Sacrifice!