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I woke up with gratitude in my heart and just had to give thanks! When I set my heart and mind to do something (determination), I believe in the impossible and give it my all. I have been most successful at things when I believed (had faith) with all my heart and mind, and wanted to do whatever it took to do it--determination and commitment. Unfortunately, for a while, I have been going through the motions and coasting along--just living each day as it comes and silently hoping for "some" changes and "miracles". Living each day as it comes with a purpose is one thing... but coasting... that's not living! (Thankfully I've woken up from that...)

Most (if not all) changes and miracles don't come when you're sitting on your laurels--all the time! You need to put some work into it. However, doing the work means nothing if your heart and mind are not fully sold out on an idea, goal or plan (committed and actively engaged). When you decide to "work" at something, sometimes it is a struggle. You may start and stop, and not even know why you don't finish what you started. It becomes a burdening cycle which may even result in self-condemnation which is not where you want to find yourself. Or you simply give up! BUT!!! When your heart and mind are combined with your decision to do something, becoming actively determined to accomplish what you set out to do, all the work pays off and time is not an issue. Obstacles are no longer stresses but you see them as challenges that you can and will overcome.

I love having determination that is rooted in the depths of my heart and mind because when you couple that with belief (faith), nothing will be impossible and you will succeed. No matter how long it takes. Here's to combining HEART, MIND and DECISIONS to DO! Go forth, be fully engaged and determined. You will truly see/notice the difference!

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