You matter to God, to yourself and those that love you. Sometimes the world knocks you down and you feel like giving up, throwing in the towel and forgetting about all your hopes and dreams. BUT! You have to remember, YOU MATTER!
First, God created you and therefore, made you perfectly in His image the way He wanted you to be. He did not (because He has never and can never) make a mistake (a boo-boo). A righteous man may fall seven times but he gets up... again and again. No matter your imperfections and mistakes, God loves you and YOU MATTER to Him.
Second, you matter to yourself because you are the original you and no one can be or do you like you. You ought to love yourself when the chips are down and when they are up. Love yourself because you have what it takes to get up every morning and do what only you can do... whether that's to give a hug, smile, feed the kids, go to school or work, work from home, volunteer, rescue people or animals, the list is endless... but you know YOU and what you do and give everyday. You give of yourself, even when you are too tired sometimes, you keep pushing forward. Never forget that YOU MATTER to you and there is no other YOU.
Lastly, you matter to those that love you. To be loved by others is a wonderful gift. Some may love you for what you have or can give to them. Others simply love you for who you are and what you mean to them... those are the ones to cherish the most, for life! Give them a chance everyday to love you--just as much as they have given you the chance to love them. It's not always perfect or rosy to be around loved ones, but what's life without them. Don't wait to regret not spending time with them after their gone, or let them regret not spending time with you when you have left earth. YOU MATTER to those that love you.
Live life to the fullest, one day at a time. Savor each moment like it's the last because YOU MATTER to God, yourself and those that love YOU!